
Handcare & Foot

Handcare & Foot

A proper manicure will help you achieve manicured nails and so complete the overall picture of a person. The manicure includes several different cosmetic procedures combined with cleaning, preparation and beautification.

Fingernails must not be too long and super colorful, it is sufficient if they are well maintained to complete the overall look.

In addition to its protective function, the nails are an unmistakable reflection of our health care and our personality. Therefore, in most cases, fingernails are looked at on interviews. Bitten nails or an archaic manicure imlply a neglect and abandonment and cause rejection. The nails are the hallmark of our hands and we should dedicate them one hour a week, so that such unpleasant situations can be avoided. If they are well maintained, they grow healthy, strong and beautiful, and over time they will be long and hard.

Artificial nails

  False nails, gel nails, acrylic nails, porcelain nails differ only by the application of the technology. Since the invention of the artificial nails in the 70s, their progress can’t be stopped. The modern production and marketing techniques have been very profitable, sometimes at the expense of the safety of users. Due to the variety of different products on the market, manufactured in countries with different laws, they can be very toxic and very aggressive for your nails.

The researchers (there are not many in this area) sometimes tell advantages and disadvantages of these products, however, there is no reliable study on this topic.

Shellac (new)

  Spectacular, because your nails will shine for two weeks without a spot.

Surely you’ve ever wished that your hands look 14 to 16 days as perfect as if the manicure just has been made and your nails are freshly painted. Let this “dream” become reality with the revolutionary Shellac manicure.
The idea is as simple as it is innovative. It is a product that can easily be applied, such as a glaze, but with the strength and durability of a gel. The result is a sleek, shock-resistant nail that does not deteriorate and is also brilliant.

With this revolutionary beauty treatment for both fingernails and toenails you don’t have to worry about a perfect manicure for weeks.

The secret lies in the product formula and the type of application. The paint layers are composed of: solvent (so they can be applied like an ordinary nail polish), monomers (also included in the gels for nails, because of its special texture) and polymers (to facilitate removal).

The application requires a UV lamp for drying the different layers when the shellac is applied. This is another advantage. Once you leave the salon, your hands are perfect and you do not have to care about touch anything in fear of damaging your nails. Drying and sealing is immediate and irrevocable.

Cosmetic foot care

  We offer the best pedicure care  for your feet.

Our feets support us all day, but sometimes they hurt too. Tight shoes and high heels are taking their toll in the form of calluses and discomfort. To avoid this, let us pamper you with a pedicure.

The feet are full of reflexology, which are associated with organs that can be activated with a massage.
Foot care is the best way to ensure not only the health of your feet but also the health of your entire body. Because health begins in the feet.